Iron Man (Mark 03)

Alignment: Light
Defense: High
Class: Healer
Armor Class: Basic
Type: None
Predecessor: Mark 2
Successor: Mark 4
Health: 20
Strength: 10
Jump Boost: 4
Fortitude: 3
Fire Resistance: 1
Enhanced Vision
Flight: 2
System Diagnostics:
- Energy Efficiency: Low
- Flight Drainage: Medium
- Repulsor Drain: 5-10%
- Unibeam Drain: 25%
Changelog: Improved flight energy consumption and speed. Cold temperature icing issue patched with altitude height limit now pushing 300. Suit now comes equipped with a variety of weapons in addition to upgraded repulsors. Armor is still susceptible to malfunctions from electric-based attacks, but the stability has improved.
Ability 1: Repulsor Blast
Shoot a repulsor blast at your opponent, knocking them back. Deals 5 damage. Damage decreases to 2 when at a distance. Requires at least 5% energy. Can be used to break glass and vegetation.
Ability 2: Repulsor Beam
Shoot a repulsor beam out of both hands, dealing 10 damage in total (but spreads). Damage decreases to 4 when at a distance. Requires at least 10% energy. Can be used to break glass and vegetation.
Ability 3: Unibeam
Divert power to the central arc reactor unit, delivering a powerful blast capable of staggering opponents for 5 seconds. Deals 18 damage, sending opponents flying backwards. Requires at least 25% energy. Can be used to break glass and vegetation.
Ability 4: Use Weapon
Deploy currently selected weapon.
Ability 5: Select Weapon
Cycle through the armor's weapons. Alternatively, you can use the number pad to automatically select a specific weapon.
Equip: Thrusters
Use repulsor thrusters to quickly evade attacks.
Utility: Power Dive
Rocket yourself in the air before diving into the ground, knocking all nearby opponents back. Deals 10 damage. If too far away from the ground, you won't perform the slam, but move can still be used to quickly dive bomb.
Special: Hand Cannon
Fire a barrage of charged repulsor blasts in rapid succession. with the last knocking the target back, staggering them for 5 seconds. Deals 90 damage in total.
Armor: Helmet
Can lift faceplate up.
- Bleeding
- Fall Damage
- Fear Toxin
- Water
- Electrical Malfunctions
- Altitudes higher than 256
Armor Weapons:
- Shoulder-Guns (Deals 12 damage in total)
- Anti-Tank Missile (Explodes on impact)
- Flares (Projectile immunity + blinds and burns for an additional 5 seconds)
To use JARVIS do /jarvis and a list of commands will come up. The commands you can use are
- /jarvis tracking
- /jarvis analyze
- /jarvis call mark <#>
- /jarvis scan arena
- /jarvis searchfor (Legacy Only)
- /jarvis zoom (Legacy Only)