Iron Man (Mark 15)

Alignment: Light
Defense: High
Class: Healer
Armor Class: Special
Type: Stealth Prototype Upgrade
Code Name: Sneaky
Predecessor: Mark 11
Successor: Mark 16
Health: 20
Strength: 14
Speed: 1 (When Sprinting)
Jump Boost: 4
Fortitude: 4
Fire Resistance: 1
Enhanced Vision
Flight: 5
System Diagnostics:
- Energy Efficiency: Medium
- Flight Drainage: Medium
- Repulsor Drain: 5-10%
- Unibeam Drain: 25%
Changelog: Mark 15 is an upgrade of the Mark 11, attempting to better combine the cloaking technology with a more versatile array of abilities.
Ability 1: Repulsor Blast
Shoot a repulsor blast at your opponent, knocking them back. Deals 10 damage. Damage decreases to 2 when at a distance. Requires at least 5% energy. Can be used to break glass and vegetation.
Ability 2: Repulsor Beam
Shoot a repulsor beam out of both hands, dealing 12 damage in total (but spreads). Damage decreases to 4 when at a distance. Requires at least 10% energy. Can be used to break glass and vegetation.
Ability 3: Unibeam
Divert power to the central arc reactor unit, delivering a powerful blast capable of staggering opponents for 5 seconds. Deals 24 damage, sending opponents flying backwards. Requires at least 25% energy. Can be used to break glass and vegetation.
Ability 4: Use Weapon
Deploy currently selected weapon.
Ability 5: Select Weapon
Cycle through the armor's weapons. Alternatively, you can use the number pad to automatically select a specific weapon.
Equip: Thrusters
Use repulsor thrusters to quickly evade attacks.
Utility: Cloak (Type 1)
Temporarily bend light around yourself, fully cloaking into the environment around you. Constantly consumes energy while cloaked.
Special: Hand Cannon
Fire a barrage of charged repulsor blasts in rapid succession. with the last knocking the target back, staggering them for 5 seconds. Deals 90 damage in total.
Armor: Helmet
Can lift faceplate up.
- Bleeding
- Fall Damage
- Fear Toxin
- Water
- Electrical Malfunctions
- Altitudes higher than 500
Armor Weapons:
- Shoulder-Guns (Deals 12 damage in total)
- Missile (Explodes on impact, dealing 12 damage)
- Flares (Projectile immunity + blinds and burns for an additional 5 seconds)
- Tri-Lasers (Deals 12 damage in total)
- Donning
- Color Switch
To use JARVIS do /jarvis and a list of commands will come up. The commands you can use are
- /jarvis tracking
- /jarvis analyze
- /jarvis call mark <#>
- /jarvis scan arena
- /jarvis searchfor (Legacy Only)
- /jarvis zoom (Legacy Only)