- Improved Shazam's aiming
- Fixed equipped items (such as web-shooters) from conflicting with legacy abilities)
- Fixed lightsaber source of damage
- Fixed explosion batarang crash
- Fixed dual wielding render
- Fixed flare crash
- Fixed Vison's Solar Beam damage
- Made Iron Man's enhanced vision only active if faceplate is down
- Nerfed Katana's (sword) bleeding
- Increased Turtle's Forcefield cooldown
- Improved Turtle's kinetic swipe aiming
- Decreased Turtle's Shell Defense duration
- Fixed kinetic abilities not grounding
- Fixed heroes being able to harvest souls
- Made concrete powder return empty bucket when making concrete in crafting table
-Fixed Vision exploit
- Fixed Token exploit
- Removed one customer limit from Jedi and Sith armorer's
- Updated Concrete Powder recipe
- Fixed Lightsaber dual wielding 3rd person render
- Fixed Tinted Glass Door recipe
- Fixed Dracula size bug
- Added Enhanced Vision to Iron Man (Mark 2-20)
- Made it so if player is a horror character, the amount of souls they collect is multiplied by their tier
- Fixed Suit Repairs Unit exploit
- Fixed The Creeper's Necronomicon text
- Added The Creeper Codex entry
- Added Dracula Codex entry
- Added Wolf Man Codex entry
- Added Gill-Man Codex entry
- Updated altar costs
- Fixed Altar sacrifice glitch
- Added Scarecrow's crafting materials
- Fixed Jason's enhanced swimming
- Fixed Stealth bug
- Fixed events lag
- Fixed Prison Break event
- Fixed Codex's scroller
- Fixed Composure bug
- Readded Cracked Kyber Crystal recipe
- Readded Small Godzilla Skull recipe
- Fixed Jedi and Sith mobs
- Fixed shockwave destruction in Legends Zones
- Fixed Shazam lava resistance
- Fixed Kyber Crystals not powering generator
- Decreased leatherface scream sound volume
- Made vampires regen durability passively depending on blood meter
- Altered Vampiric Bite
- Prevented Training Dummies from increasing Sinistry
- Made Iron Man (Mark 3-20) immune to Fear Toxin
- Added Mob Buff to Freddy Krueger
- Fixed Freddy's Dream World pull targeting
- Made Freddy's abilities increase Sinistry
- Fixed Bleeding
- Made Leatherface tier 5
- Made Chucky tier 5
- Added Dracula
- Added Wolf Man
- Added Gill-Man
- Added Scarecrow
- Added Scythe
- Added The Creeper
- Added Creeper's Axe
- Added Creeper's Dagger
- Added Creeper's Spear
- Added Jeepers Creepers (Music Disc)
- Remodeled Pistol
- Added Patreon Command